Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Unadorned clay pots

"If you only look at us, you might well miss the brightness. We carry the precious Message around in the unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives." 2 Cor 4:7

One of the great frustrations of life is that people too often only seem to see the unadorned clay pots and judge the contents of the pots on their outwood appearance. Our lives are far from perfect and often contradict the life changing message that lies within, and so God is judged by our lives.

What Paul says about himself is also true about our relationships with people who aren't Christians. If they look at us they may well miss the brightness.

In a world where packaging is all important we make decisions about purchasing books, drinks, cans of food, in fact almost everything, by how inviting the packaging is. How often do we miss out on quality content by rejecting it because the outside looks dull.

How do we, how do I, deal with the fact that we are boring pots and people are probably reluctant to look inside because we ourselves are uninviting? Fortunately, God chooses to make contact with people through his Spirit and so it's not entirely up to us. Somehow though we need to encourage people to look inside the pot and find the brightness of God. It's not all about me. I am just a clay pot.

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