Friday, July 9, 2010

Faith in the illogical

"Some of the sailors tried to jump ship. They let down the lifeboat, pretending they were going to set out more anchors from the bow. Paul saw through their guise and told the centurion and his soldiers, "if these sailors don't stay with the ship, we're all going down." So the soldiers cut the lines to the lifeboat and let it drift off." Acts 27:30-32

One of the most important pieces of safety equipment on a ship is the lifeboat. It would seem to be sheer madness to cut a lifeboat adrift. I would imagine some of the soldiers cutting it adrift wouldn't have been able to swim and would have been wondering what they would do if the ship sank.

Faith sometimes asks us to do some difficult and seemingly stupid things. Sometimes God will ask us to do the equivalent of cutting a lifeboat adrift just before we need to evacuate the ship.

It's a credit to Paul that he was able to convince people that their safety was assured even in the midst of a storm with a damaged ship. I wonder whether even he doubted at times. Nevertheless, he trusted and was eventually able to safely bring the other 275 passengers along with him, even if some, such as the sailors with the lifeboat, didn't quite agree with his plan.

What do I need to trust God with today and how can I express that to others in a way that will bring confidence to them?

God, please help me as I go through the areas of life that call for faith in what appears to be illogical.

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