Thursday, September 2, 2010

Have a nice day

In what job would you find the grumpiest people? How about newsagents? When I visit the two newsagents close to work I get the feeling that I am a major interruption to their day. I usually have to wait to be served even if there are no people in the shop, then I am greeted with a surly look. No smile, often no eye contact, no thanks and maybe a gruff "do you want that it a bag?". Today I was made to wait (no one in the shop), no eye contact, definitely no smile but I did get "have a nice day" (minus the smile and eye contact) as I left!

I sometimes watch Christians too. Do we act differently when people know we are Christians to when they don't? And, does it matter? Well, yes and no. Yes, because if we are known to be a Christian (for us Salvos, maybe when we are in uniform) then people often form an opinion of all Christians on the basis of the behaviour of one. Suffice to say then that they often accept or reject God on the basis of our behaviour. On the other hand, no it doesn't make a difference because we are God's representatives whether other people are aware of it or not. And who knows what opportunities will present themselves if we come across as people who actually care about those we are dealing with.

As I read our Pastor's blog (Major Daryl) currently serving in Haiti, there is a recurring theme. It's about being a real follower of Christ. No flashy tee shirts screaming "look at me I'm a Christian"; not using our position of power over people (UN trucks refusing to sit in traffic like everyone else); not being the boss by standing and watching or giving orders but by earning respect by pitching in and doing the hard yards.

My 'friendly' neighbourhood newsagent has once again reminded me of how important it is to try and not stuff up the relationships that I have with the people I meet. With every contact that I have during the day, whether I know the person or not, is important to act in a way that doesn't trash the name of God.

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