Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lasting words

It's 5 years to the day since I was lamenting a period of tough scripture readings (My reading plan at this time of the year has me in Ezekiel & Revelation each day). And as I shared it with Cathy Christelow I received an SMS back reminding me that there was a message in the Word for me that day. I just needed to persist.

I think of that advice often because some quite large slabs of the Bible are hard to read. Recently I have been finding it hard going again and I have a tendency to skip parts of my reading or only give it a superficial read and then wonder why I get nothing out of it. I have then grabbed my old journals and found that in other years I have obviously read the same passage with a different focus because back then I gained some interesting insights into what those passages meant to me.

Two lessons today:

1) There is no point in opening the Bible if we aren't focused on hearing from God. We have to believe that God's word has a message for us every time we open it up. Sometimes we just need to work a bit harder to find that message!

2) Words of encouragement are really important. We don't recall every bit of encouragement that we receive but sometimes we receive a word that sticks and keeps on giving year in, year out. So, a few words via sms from Cathy 5 years ago continue to come back to me on a regular basis.

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