Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Prayers are not offered in vain

"Each had a harp and each had a bowl, a gold bowl filled with incense, the prayers of God's holy people." Rev 5:9

It's that time of the year again when my daily readings come from Ezekiel and Revelation. It isn't the easiest combination of readings. There is the grim judgement of Ezekiel and the apocalyptic stuff of Revelation which is hard to understand. Today's reading talks of the four animals and twenty four elders. I have no real idea of what it all means but one verse mentions the prayers of God's holy people.

There are times when we wonder whether our prayers have gone the distance. Often at work, someone on the other side of the world will complain that they haven't received an email that we have sent. It has just disappeared into cyberspace. And I often wonder whether the same thing happens with my prayers.

This verse tells me that my prayers have reached heaven. They haven't been lost or ignored. I might not understand how, why or when God does things, just as I don't understand the book of Revelation, but I take comfort in the fact that my prayers are not lost. Maybe they are being stored for just the right time to be released as incense.

Thank you God for the reminder that you hear my prayers.

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