Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Stepping out of the shadows

"After all this, Joseph of Arimathea (he was a disciple of Jesus, but secretly, because he was intimidated by the Jews) petitioned Pilate to take the body of Jesus. Pilate gave permission. So Joseph came and took the body." John 19:38

There comes a time in a believer's life when we can longer be a secret believer, or choose not to be a secret believer. Joseph of Arimathea had been a closet disciple but at the death of Jesus he chose to put it all on the line. He would have had to have known that to petition Pilate for Jesus' body would make him not only known to the Jews as a believer, but hated and vilified too.

I don't know any more about him but I would suspect that his life became more difficult after that. Yet, I also suspect that a weight lifted from his shoulders when he took the decision to step out of the shadows and own up to being a follower of Jesus the Christ.

The other thing I find interesting here is that all of the disciples except John have disappeared off the scene. Peter had been around until his famous three strikes experience. The disciples, probably with a mixture of emotions such as fear, confusion, depression, have deserted their Lord.

But not Joseph. He has chosen this time to make a statement. Why? I don't know, but I'm sure that God's chest would have pumped out a bit at this show of love and support.

There are times and will be times when I will need to step out of the shadows and put my faith on the line and risk being ostracised by 'the jewish leaders' in my life.

God, I pray that I won't be found wanting when I need to 'stand under the ball with a pack closing in on me from behind'. Help me to stand and not drop my head.

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