Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Risking ourselves with Jesus

They waffled: "why don't your give us a clue about who you are, just a hint of what's going on? When we see what's up we'll commit ourselves. Show us what you can do." John 6:30

The crowd had seen a miracle - Jesus feeding 5000 people, and were aware of another. Jesus had gotten back across the sea without being in the only boat there. Yet they were still asking Jesus to " show us what you can do". It seems to be a common problem, even for believers, that we keep asking Jesus to show us even though he has done so many times over.

Jesus then went on and gave them more than a clue about who he was yet at the end of it all we read that even a lot of his disciples left, not wanting to risk themselves with this Jesus.

Even being the Messiah and performing miracles didn't prevent Jesus from being rejected and rejected by his so called disciples at that.

Jesus said to the twelve "Do you also want to leave?" What Jesus stands for is sometimes not what we want him to stand for. In spite of the overwhelming evidence that he presents for who he is, it often doesn't fit with what we are looking for in 'our' God.

So, what is my response when it comes to risking myself with Jesus? When others leave and Jesus says to me "Do you also want to leave?" How emphatic is my response?

May I be found to be utterly loyal Lord.

1 comment:

  1. What - No song reference this time ?? Ha Ha.
    Great challenge today.
