Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Do we know when we are sick?

"One man had been an invalid there for thirty eight years. When Jesus saw him...he said "Do you want to get well?" John 5:5-6

What a soul wrenching place Bethesda must have been. Hundreds of people, all sick, blind, crippled and paralysed. The only hope they seemed to have was to get into the pool when it stirred in the hope of receiving healing.

Here is our unnamed man who has been there for 38 years waiting and hoping to be healed but never able to get to pool before someone else does. What a miserable, frustrating and painful existence.

A short time later we see Jesus being grilled by the religious leaders about healing our friend on the Sabbath and Jesus is urgently telling them about their need to accept him because there are eternal consequences.

The physically sick man knew his need was healing and had waited 38 years at the place where he thought healing could be found. The religious leaders, as spiritually sick as the other man was physically ill, did not acknowledge their need. In fact they were hostile to any suggestion that they needed healing.

I have been a Christian since I was 17 years old and like the religious leaders I often won't acknowledge that I have a spiritual sickness that can only be dealt with by God. There is something about Christians and pride that sometimes sees us take a moral high ground and refuse to acknowledge our need for healing.

When shall I come unto the healing waters?
Lifting my heart, I cry to thee my prayer.
Spirit of peace, my Comforter and healer,
In whom my springs are found, let my soul meet thee there.

Wash from my hands the dust of earthly striving;
Take from my mind the stress of secret fear;
Cleanse thou the wounds from all but thee far hidden.
And when the waters flow let my healing appear.

Light, life and love are in that healing fountain,
All I require to cleanse me and restore;
Flow through my soul, redeem its desert places,
And make a garden there for the Lord I adore.

From a hill I know,
Healing waters flow;
O rise, Immanuel's tide,
And my soul overflow!

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