Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Religious bouncers

"He yelled, "Jesus! Son of David! Mercy, have mercy on me!"
Those ahead of Jesus told the man to shut up, but he only yelled all the louder, "Son of David! Mercy, have mercy on me!"" Luke 18:38-39

I wonder how many people fail to get access to Jesus as a result of church body guards. There are people in the church who try to protect 'things', maybe tradition or heritage or they may support an unbiblical doctrine, and in the process stop people from getting to Jesus. Those people aren't always making a deliberate attempt to stop people. Often their misplaced zeal inadvertantly becomes a road block.

This man in the story wasn't going to be so easily silenced. He just yelled louder until he attracted Jesus' attention. People today who are determined enough will find a way around the religious bouncers too, but many won't. They will give up.

I wonder what the 'advance party' of Jesus thought when they saw the man healed. Were they excited? Did they realise that they should have been making a pathway to Jesus rather than setting up barricades to prevent desperate people from reaching him? Or, did they secretly promise to work harder next time to control the crowd.

People need to meet the Lord! I need to ensure that nothing I do hinders that, and whatever influence I have I need to use to make a clear, easy and compelling pathway for people to reach Jesus.

God, forgive me for the times that I make the road to you harder to traverse than it should be. Help me to see the blockages that I have created.

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