Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Being handpicked

"Not everyone saw him—he wasn't put on public display. Witnesses had been carefully handpicked by God beforehand—us!" Acts 10:41

Peter was talking about the resurrected Christ. Not everyone saw him - only those who had been handpicked by God.

I suppose it's entirely up to God to choose whoever he wants for whatever task has to be done. And only God really knows why he does it and how those people will react. Why did God choose Saul? Why didn't he choose Stalin, after all he persecuted believers too?

As far as the resurrection was concerned I wonder what the criteria was for those handpicked. Maybe they were the ones who were most loyal to Jesus. Maybe they were those who deep down still believed. Maybe they were chosen because they were open to God and willing to do what God wanted to do through them.

And what about those who were not handpicked? Could it have been that they were cynical and negative people, maybe openly antagonistic to God? Were they the type to jump ship at the first sign of trouble?

The wonderful thing about Acts is seeing what can happen when people are open to the Holy Spirit in their lives - not allowing generations of rules and negativism ruin their relationship with God.

God, may your Holy Spirit work miracles through me. May I be open to what you want to do through me and if that happens to be something which challenges my world view please help me to have the courage to plough ahead anyway.

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