Monday, October 25, 2010

It's not always black and white

"Their message to Paul, from insight given by the Spirit, was "Don't go to Jerusalem."" Acts 21:4
"The issue in Jerusalem is not what they do to me, whether arrest or murder, but what the Master Jesus does through my obedience. Can't you see that?"" Acts 21:13

So, who was correct - the believers in Tyre who claimed insight from the Spirit, or Paul who saw the visit to Jerusalem as obedience to the Master? Surely they can't both be right.

When Paul got to Jerusalem it appeared to me that he compromised the Christian message a bit by buying peace with the locals rather than being strong on the view that Christians were no longer slaves to the law and the old Jewish ways.

Later still, when the Roman captain, determined to get to the bottom of the riot involving Paul ordered a meeting with Paul and the Jewish leaders. Paul, knowing the hatred that existed between the Pharisees & Sadducees, deliberately and somewhat mischievously, drew them into a factional argument which ended up with them at each others' throats. Was that a Christian thing to do? Would we see it as right for someone today to deliberately orchestrate conflict between Catholics and Protestants?

Life is complex and decision making isn't always black and white in spite of our Christian values and beliefs. There are many shades of grey as seen in Paul's circumstances and choices in just 3 chapters of Acts.

Having people in your life whose wisdom you trust is important. But it's also vitally important to be close enough to God to recognise his voice when complex decision making is required.

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