Friday, June 25, 2010

The meaning of 'PM'

"Rend your heart and not your garments." Joel 2:13

So, we have a new Prime Minister. Did the 'PM' after Kevin Rudd's name mean Prime Minister or Post Modern?

Certainly our erstwhile PM professed a strong belief in many areas of life. But it seems that in the end the electorate felt he was a fraud; that what he claimed to passionately believe in, global warming for example, either wasn't a belief at all or was a belief held purely because it could help him achieve more important goals. Either way, once the Australian people felt that he wasn't living his values his popularity dropped like a stone.

The post modern world has a great ability to compartmentalise things. Seemingly strong beliefs in one compartment of life don't necessarily cross over and influence other compartments resulting in some bizarre inconsistencies of values and actions.

Many Christians also exhibit classic post modern behaviour even though they believe in an overarching story of life and absolute truths. Sometimes this results in fake humility and repentance.

God's word given through the prophet Joel (the Ian R paraphrase) was "don't play games with me. Don't just tear your garments, but tear your heart. Make your repentance real in every area of your life."

There is a real lesson for 21stcentury Christians of the post modern world. Don't compartmentalise your beliefs. Don't cherry pick values for one part of your life then discard them for the rest of your life. Don't insult God by showing some remorse in one compartment of your life but leaving the rest of your life untouched.

"Rend your heart and not your garments."

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