Monday, November 22, 2010

A total absence of proof

"The only proof you're going to get is what looks like the absence of proof: Jonah-evidence. Like Jonah, three days and nights in the fish's belly, the Son of Man will be gone three days and nights in a deep grave." Matt 12:39-40

These days I guess we forget, or don't realise, the despair and hopelessness that must have been in the lives of Jesus' followers following his crucifixion. How could anything good possibly come out of the killing of Jesus, let alone proof of his divinity?

A few religion scholars and the obligatory Pharisees had asked Jesus to prove his credentials. "How about a miracle?", they said. Jesus responded that the evidence he was going to give them would appear to be an absence of proof i.e. his death.

Today, the things we look for as proof of Jesus' credentials are usually obvious and grand such as miracles, the great moving of the Holy Spirit in our church services and so on. We still tend to underestimate God's ability and desire to move in ways that seem, at the time, to look more like a complete absence of his presence rather than proof that he is God.

What might God be doing in my life, at my church, in the lives of my friends at the moment that looks more like a total absence of proof? And what does that say about my trust and faith in God?

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