Thursday, February 17, 2011

Am I in His hands?

It's only 9.30am but I have already come across examples of the extreme variety of life's circumstances. Mike Pilley & I met for breakfast this morning and our readings for the day came from Numbers 1 & 2 and Acts 24. Numbers 1 & 2 are all about the census of the Israelites and the ordering of the tribes. Mundane stuff to read about but very important in the ordering of their lives at the time.

Acts 24 sees Paul up before Felix on trumped up charges. Because Felix is more interested in politics and trying to get a bribe out of Paul than administering justice, Paul was still awaiting a decision on the case 2 years on when Felix was being replaced.

And then, on the front page of The Age is the heart wrenching picture of this poor little nine year old chap who lost his parents in the tragedy at Christmas Island.

As I look at that picture, a song runs through my head as it has done for a couple of days now; "I'm in his hands". We have been practicing this piece at band practice to the newer tune written by Phil Laeger.

How do I reconcile this thought of being in God's hands when looking at a picture of an orphaned boy? "The days I cannot see have all been planned for me" - I believe that, yet I see the little fella's face.

Life is never simple or predictable. Sometimes it is utterly boring, such as times of census. Counting, collating, organising. Sometimes it is frustrating, such as Paul's time under house arrest awaiting for the corrupt court's decision on his case. Imagine what he could have achieved in those two years if he had been free. And sometimes life is utterly tragic, as it is at this time for Seena who will, no doubt, become a political football for Labor & the Coalition as they try to make political mileage over him.

Is he in God's hands? Yes, I believe he is, despite the circumstances which tend to say otherwise. But, we also have to do our bit to ensure that justice is done.

If you would like to hear Phil Laeger's version of the chorus, here is a link:

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