I had a grumpy day on Tuesday. There was no apparent reason for it. I was just grumpy. I guess most of us have those days occasionally. I even have them on days when there isn't band practice!
When I am grumpy I tend to struggle with my devotions. When I just want to get away from everything and everyone I'm not really interested in reading Isaiah or any other part of scripture that addresses my behaviour.
On Wednesday I trotted off to have my haircut. My barber does the most wonderful scalp massages. The massage on its own is worth the cost of the haircut. And as Vicenzo massaged my head so the tension started to drain away.
What about a spiritual massage? I am doing reasonably well with my Bible reading at present but sometimes what I need is a deep internal spiritual massage. Something to break the tension that exists inwardly. I am not good at allocating time to sit and allow God to minister. I don't even have a wife & kids yet I still find it hard to find that space. But everytime I visit Vicenzo I am reminded that I need to find again the healing massage of God's Spirit in my life if I am to function properly.
A collection of journals from the last 4 years. Plus the occasional rant! (Why 21stcenturysoap? I'm glad you asked! SOAP is the acronym from my Journal - Scripture; Observation; Application; Prayer.)
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
God's saving power
" Who would have thought God's saving power would look like this?" Isaiah 53:1
God seems to specialise in achieving outcomes through ways we just don't expect. The Bible is full of examples that we are now familiar with but are actually quite outrageous when we stop and think about them. This chapter of Isaiah is a beauty!
Surely God has not done anything else quite like the Jesus story. What an extraordinary way to bring salvation. No one would have expected God to bring reconciliation by crushing his own son with pain (vs 10).
Today in the church we still try to put God in a box. We think we understand him. But he still does things that astound us. Maybe we should expect the unexpected. Maybe we should expect him to do things differently to our expectations and through different people to whom we would choose.
Maybe I still expect God to work in defined parameters in my life too. Maybe the expression of God's saving power in my life should look quite different to how I expect it to look.
God, forgive me for trying to put you in a box, for trying to make you conform to my small mind's understanding of your ways. Open my eyes to be surprised at what you are doing through your people.
God seems to specialise in achieving outcomes through ways we just don't expect. The Bible is full of examples that we are now familiar with but are actually quite outrageous when we stop and think about them. This chapter of Isaiah is a beauty!
Surely God has not done anything else quite like the Jesus story. What an extraordinary way to bring salvation. No one would have expected God to bring reconciliation by crushing his own son with pain (vs 10).
Today in the church we still try to put God in a box. We think we understand him. But he still does things that astound us. Maybe we should expect the unexpected. Maybe we should expect him to do things differently to our expectations and through different people to whom we would choose.
Maybe I still expect God to work in defined parameters in my life too. Maybe the expression of God's saving power in my life should look quite different to how I expect it to look.
God, forgive me for trying to put you in a box, for trying to make you conform to my small mind's understanding of your ways. Open my eyes to be surprised at what you are doing through your people.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
You are never too old
"They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green." Psalm 92:14 (NIV)
I can never read these words without remembering Dick Collett. 'Uncle' Dick testified many times, both publicy and to me personally about how thrilled he was that, even though he was old, God was still going to work through him.
Our world today is geared toward a retirement of lounging around, travelling, playing golf etc. It's about accumulating wealth in order to do nothing much in retirement or to spend it on trips and leisure. It's a philosophy that is at odds with Christianity. It's not that God doesn't want us to play golf or have an overseas trip, it's more that he has plans to work through us right up to the time we take our last breath. There isn't this mythical age where all of a sudden our work for God ends just because our work for an income does.
For 12 years I have worked for the same mob and at no point in time has my employment been really secure. Just at this point it is less secure than normal! At almost 50 years of age and with no qualifications, the world is likely to say "you are too old mate". But God says that I will still bear fruit, even at 50 with no qualifications!
Age is of no consequence to God. God still has important work for me to do and if I keep my focus on him he will ensure that I still produce good fruit.
I can never read these words without remembering Dick Collett. 'Uncle' Dick testified many times, both publicy and to me personally about how thrilled he was that, even though he was old, God was still going to work through him.
Our world today is geared toward a retirement of lounging around, travelling, playing golf etc. It's about accumulating wealth in order to do nothing much in retirement or to spend it on trips and leisure. It's a philosophy that is at odds with Christianity. It's not that God doesn't want us to play golf or have an overseas trip, it's more that he has plans to work through us right up to the time we take our last breath. There isn't this mythical age where all of a sudden our work for God ends just because our work for an income does.
For 12 years I have worked for the same mob and at no point in time has my employment been really secure. Just at this point it is less secure than normal! At almost 50 years of age and with no qualifications, the world is likely to say "you are too old mate". But God says that I will still bear fruit, even at 50 with no qualifications!
Age is of no consequence to God. God still has important work for me to do and if I keep my focus on him he will ensure that I still produce good fruit.
Monday, July 26, 2010
A bit more awe please
"So to whom will you compare me, the incomparable? Can you picture me without reducing me?" Isaiah 46:5. In the next chapter of Isaiah God says "I have a lot more to tell you, things you never knew existed."
It's such a temptation to shrink God to a size I can manage and fathom. I want to be able to understand God, to know which direction he will move next so that I can have some level of control over my life and to ensure I am not caught out underprepared.
Uncertainty about the future is something that bothers many of us. I think the technical term is 'worry'! But consider this - if God is incomparable; if to picture God is to reduce him; and if God has more to show and tell - things I never knew existed; Then why am I not continually excited by the God who is so huge and so pro me?
A little less worry and a lot more excitement and anticipation is probably the order of the day.
It's such a temptation to shrink God to a size I can manage and fathom. I want to be able to understand God, to know which direction he will move next so that I can have some level of control over my life and to ensure I am not caught out underprepared.
Uncertainty about the future is something that bothers many of us. I think the technical term is 'worry'! But consider this - if God is incomparable; if to picture God is to reduce him; and if God has more to show and tell - things I never knew existed; Then why am I not continually excited by the God who is so huge and so pro me?
A little less worry and a lot more excitement and anticipation is probably the order of the day.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Am I a danger to society?
"It is God's will that by doing good, you might cure the ignorance of fools who think you're a danger to society." 1 Peter 2:15
In this general election campaign which candidate is considered to be more of a danger to society? The Christian one of course! Tony Abbott's Catholicism is considered to be a negative, at least by those in the media.
To a degree we Christians have brought some of it on ourselves. We lack compassion in areas where there is a difference of moral values such as in same sex relationships and abortion. And now, given the advances in technology, we have to deal with fallout from the American Evangelicals too.
Nevertheless, I do get frustrated at the negative press that Christians receive. After all, stack up the church/para church social ministries contribution to society against the atheist one and see which has done more.
It is going to be a continual challenge for the church in these times to get the message of God's love out there. The media is highly unlikely to do it. As always, it will be up to individuals to change the world. And from a Christian perspective, individuals empowered by God. Continue to do good, "exercise your freedom by serving God, not by breaking the rules. Treat everyone you meet with dignity. Love your spiritual family. Revere God. Respect the government." (vs 16-17).
Help me God.
In this general election campaign which candidate is considered to be more of a danger to society? The Christian one of course! Tony Abbott's Catholicism is considered to be a negative, at least by those in the media.
To a degree we Christians have brought some of it on ourselves. We lack compassion in areas where there is a difference of moral values such as in same sex relationships and abortion. And now, given the advances in technology, we have to deal with fallout from the American Evangelicals too.
Nevertheless, I do get frustrated at the negative press that Christians receive. After all, stack up the church/para church social ministries contribution to society against the atheist one and see which has done more.
It is going to be a continual challenge for the church in these times to get the message of God's love out there. The media is highly unlikely to do it. As always, it will be up to individuals to change the world. And from a Christian perspective, individuals empowered by God. Continue to do good, "exercise your freedom by serving God, not by breaking the rules. Treat everyone you meet with dignity. Love your spiritual family. Revere God. Respect the government." (vs 16-17).
Help me God.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
No one is forgotten
"Not one is missing, not on forgotten. God the Father has his eye on each of you...."
1 Peter 1:1-2
Peter was writing to exiles as he called them, Christians in Northern Asia Minor. The first thing he tells them is that they are not forgotten, not one of them. God has his eye on each and every one of them no matter where they are, no matter how remote.
It must be very easy at times for those who live in countries hostile to Christianity or those who live in remote regions to wonder whether God remembers them and is aware of their situation. Yet here, we are reminded that God remembers them all.
In the cities we often hold similar fears. Amongst the vast numbers of faceless people, does God remember me? Can he see me amongst the vast crowd? Can he hear me above the cacophony of noise? Yes he can! Not only that but he knows me intimately.
The thoughts for this blog today are 5 years old (my journal this morning didn't quite measure up!). At the time I wrote this my father was very ill and passed away about 6 weeks later. In the challenging times of life, it's encouraging to know that God is incredibly close and loves us all passionately. No one is forgotten.
God, the reminder that you are watching me at all times isn't always a pleasant thought because I don't measure up to your holiness. But the promise of your love and protection gives such peace. Thank You.
1 Peter 1:1-2
Peter was writing to exiles as he called them, Christians in Northern Asia Minor. The first thing he tells them is that they are not forgotten, not one of them. God has his eye on each and every one of them no matter where they are, no matter how remote.
It must be very easy at times for those who live in countries hostile to Christianity or those who live in remote regions to wonder whether God remembers them and is aware of their situation. Yet here, we are reminded that God remembers them all.
In the cities we often hold similar fears. Amongst the vast numbers of faceless people, does God remember me? Can he see me amongst the vast crowd? Can he hear me above the cacophony of noise? Yes he can! Not only that but he knows me intimately.
The thoughts for this blog today are 5 years old (my journal this morning didn't quite measure up!). At the time I wrote this my father was very ill and passed away about 6 weeks later. In the challenging times of life, it's encouraging to know that God is incredibly close and loves us all passionately. No one is forgotten.
God, the reminder that you are watching me at all times isn't always a pleasant thought because I don't measure up to your holiness. But the promise of your love and protection gives such peace. Thank You.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
What price a life
I've left my journal at home today so maybe it is a day for a rant instead of journal! (and in the process I might lose my entire readership of 2 or 3!).
In Melbourne's Herald Sun this morning is a story with the headline "Mums want compo over Downs". "TWO Victorian couples are suing doctors for failing to diagnose Down syndrome in their unborn babies, denying them the chance to terminate the pregnancies."
This comment from the father grabbed my attention "Don't get us wrong: we love our daughter. She's part of our family, and we treat her like gold," . Maybe he left out, But... if we had known we would never have allowed her to be born. Now, I have to be careful here because I don't know the couple and I do know that newspapers print only the bits that suit their agenda. And also, the little girl has quite severe disabilities. However, this stuff really challenges my values.
Is an unborn child of lesser value than a born child? Somehow, we seem to differentiate between a life dependant upon whether it is born or unborn. People who would have no qualms ending the life of an unborn child would be horrified at doing so for one that has been born.
The ethics of life and ending life, be it abortion or euthanasia are sometimes a real struggle for Christians. And what of our response to those families who choose, legally, to abort a baby or illegally, to kill a person whom they love who has a horrific terminal illness?
Is it possible to have both outrage at the ending of an innocent person's life but also compassion for those involved in the act of ending a life? The work of our chaplains in court and prison ministries suggests that we can. But, I have to admit I find it very hard to do at times.
In Melbourne's Herald Sun this morning is a story with the headline "Mums want compo over Downs". "TWO Victorian couples are suing doctors for failing to diagnose Down syndrome in their unborn babies, denying them the chance to terminate the pregnancies."
This comment from the father grabbed my attention "Don't get us wrong: we love our daughter. She's part of our family, and we treat her like gold," . Maybe he left out, But... if we had known we would never have allowed her to be born. Now, I have to be careful here because I don't know the couple and I do know that newspapers print only the bits that suit their agenda. And also, the little girl has quite severe disabilities. However, this stuff really challenges my values.
Is an unborn child of lesser value than a born child? Somehow, we seem to differentiate between a life dependant upon whether it is born or unborn. People who would have no qualms ending the life of an unborn child would be horrified at doing so for one that has been born.
The ethics of life and ending life, be it abortion or euthanasia are sometimes a real struggle for Christians. And what of our response to those families who choose, legally, to abort a baby or illegally, to kill a person whom they love who has a horrific terminal illness?
Is it possible to have both outrage at the ending of an innocent person's life but also compassion for those involved in the act of ending a life? The work of our chaplains in court and prison ministries suggests that we can. But, I have to admit I find it very hard to do at times.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Wisdom is getting along
"Real wisdom, God's wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not two-faced." James 3:17
What a joy it is to have friends who are consistent. It's great to be able to talk to people without feeling as though you are walking on egg shells.
Sometimes we feel like politicians (sorry for the insult!). Our pollies go on tv and, especially at election time, follow a script. They say the same thing over and over (hello to all the working families who are moving forward during this election campaign). In reality, they say very little of any substance because if they do there is the media and 20 million people ready and waiting to jump down their throats.
Christians are characterised by getting on with one another. That's wisdom! We are not two faced, we are not unpredictable, but we are to be gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings. If people are not able to be honest with us because they fear our response we are lacking in God's wisdom.
Gosh, I hope I measure up!
God, please help me to recognise my shortcomings and to bear witness to your wisdom by getting along with others.
What a joy it is to have friends who are consistent. It's great to be able to talk to people without feeling as though you are walking on egg shells.
Sometimes we feel like politicians (sorry for the insult!). Our pollies go on tv and, especially at election time, follow a script. They say the same thing over and over (hello to all the working families who are moving forward during this election campaign). In reality, they say very little of any substance because if they do there is the media and 20 million people ready and waiting to jump down their throats.
Christians are characterised by getting on with one another. That's wisdom! We are not two faced, we are not unpredictable, but we are to be gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings. If people are not able to be honest with us because they fear our response we are lacking in God's wisdom.
Gosh, I hope I measure up!
God, please help me to recognise my shortcomings and to bear witness to your wisdom by getting along with others.
Friday, July 16, 2010
More important worship
"God takes particular pleasure in acts of worship... that take place in kitchen and workplace and on the streets." Hebrews 13:16
It's interesting that we are told that God takes particular pleasure in the worship outside of the church buildings. We get hung up with the idea of worship being singing in a building rather than it being about us constantly doing the practical things to help whoever we meet, and go out of our way to meet, during the every day activity of life.
It then makes sense that 'worship' inside whilst valued by God is not AS valued by God because we are usually ministering to other believers. That's not to say the our Sunday meetings are of no value but it probably isn't what really gets God's motor going. God has a special passion for the lost, the poor and marginalised.
What does that tell me? Maybe I should be spending more time worshipping outside than inside and that our rehearsals for Sunday are not as important as we make them out to be.
It's important that we have a passion to make the music that we present on Sunday as high a standard as we possibly can. It is a gift for God. Anything less than 100% effort is not on. But, sometimes God would be happier if we were out helping someone in need rather than being on the platform giving boring announcements! Of course, the chances are that there is room for both in our lives and both are important. But sometimes we can do the Sunday stuff to the exclusion of the kitchen, workplace, street stuff, and given that God takes 'particular pleasure' in the outside worship we should ensure that it isn't neglected.
It's interesting that we are told that God takes particular pleasure in the worship outside of the church buildings. We get hung up with the idea of worship being singing in a building rather than it being about us constantly doing the practical things to help whoever we meet, and go out of our way to meet, during the every day activity of life.
It then makes sense that 'worship' inside whilst valued by God is not AS valued by God because we are usually ministering to other believers. That's not to say the our Sunday meetings are of no value but it probably isn't what really gets God's motor going. God has a special passion for the lost, the poor and marginalised.
What does that tell me? Maybe I should be spending more time worshipping outside than inside and that our rehearsals for Sunday are not as important as we make them out to be.
It's important that we have a passion to make the music that we present on Sunday as high a standard as we possibly can. It is a gift for God. Anything less than 100% effort is not on. But, sometimes God would be happier if we were out helping someone in need rather than being on the platform giving boring announcements! Of course, the chances are that there is room for both in our lives and both are important. But sometimes we can do the Sunday stuff to the exclusion of the kitchen, workplace, street stuff, and given that God takes 'particular pleasure' in the outside worship we should ensure that it isn't neglected.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Shot of adrenaline
"When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he ploughed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls" Hebrews 12:3
Why is it that going over the story of Jesus with all of its hostility should shoot adrenaline into our souls? Maybe it's because it shows us that what we are doing or enduring is not in vain. If Jesus had to suffer that much and eventually even suffer death and yet rise again in proof of his victory over death, it shows that we are not on a losing side even though it might feel that way at the time.
Often, footy teams look back over their proud histories with all of their brutal battles and are inspired by past victories against all the odds. The current side then views its battles as a badge of honour, invigorated by the exploits of those who have gone before.
We look at Jesus and the saints of previous generations and we are inspired by them, knowing that their sacrifices were not in vain. Therefore, we also know that our sacrifices are for a bigger purpose than just this time in which we live. They have an eternal value.
God, as I look at my life, it isn't all that tough is it? Whatever challenges I am enduring now are nothing compared to what Jesus endured. Help me to also endure.
Why is it that going over the story of Jesus with all of its hostility should shoot adrenaline into our souls? Maybe it's because it shows us that what we are doing or enduring is not in vain. If Jesus had to suffer that much and eventually even suffer death and yet rise again in proof of his victory over death, it shows that we are not on a losing side even though it might feel that way at the time.
Often, footy teams look back over their proud histories with all of their brutal battles and are inspired by past victories against all the odds. The current side then views its battles as a badge of honour, invigorated by the exploits of those who have gone before.
We look at Jesus and the saints of previous generations and we are inspired by them, knowing that their sacrifices were not in vain. Therefore, we also know that our sacrifices are for a bigger purpose than just this time in which we live. They have an eternal value.
God, as I look at my life, it isn't all that tough is it? Whatever challenges I am enduring now are nothing compared to what Jesus endured. Help me to also endure.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
One completed whole
"Not one of these people, even though their lives of faith were exemplary, got their hands on what was promised. God had a better plan for us: that their faith and our faith would come together to make one completed whole, their lives of faith not complete apart from ours." Hebrews 11:39-40
This is not the first time I have journaled on these verses. It seems as though I need to be reminded over and over again about this BIG plan that God has and my place in it.
There are a host of names listed in this chapter. It's a who's who, hall of fame, of Biblical history and God says that not one of them lived a life that was stand alone, disconnected from the rest of the lives lived over the entire period of human existence. Their lives would not be complete without my life, being lived as it is thousands of years later,. That's a big statement. The faith of Abraham, Noah, Sarah, Isaac, Moses etc would all be incomplete without my faith too.
Later this year at Preston Salvos we will celebrate our 125th anniversary and a whole host of other people who have called Preston home at some time or other will be there (we hope!). None of those people of faith who have gone before completed God's plan. Those of us around today are putting our piece into God's jigsaw and those who follow us will do the same. We are all part of one continuous working out of God's plan and together, and only together, will our lives of faith be complete.
Help me God to understand my place in this huge plan of yours. And when it's all too complicated for my small brain to grasp, help me to trust "by faith".
This is not the first time I have journaled on these verses. It seems as though I need to be reminded over and over again about this BIG plan that God has and my place in it.
There are a host of names listed in this chapter. It's a who's who, hall of fame, of Biblical history and God says that not one of them lived a life that was stand alone, disconnected from the rest of the lives lived over the entire period of human existence. Their lives would not be complete without my life, being lived as it is thousands of years later,. That's a big statement. The faith of Abraham, Noah, Sarah, Isaac, Moses etc would all be incomplete without my faith too.
Later this year at Preston Salvos we will celebrate our 125th anniversary and a whole host of other people who have called Preston home at some time or other will be there (we hope!). None of those people of faith who have gone before completed God's plan. Those of us around today are putting our piece into God's jigsaw and those who follow us will do the same. We are all part of one continuous working out of God's plan and together, and only together, will our lives of faith be complete.
Help me God to understand my place in this huge plan of yours. And when it's all too complicated for my small brain to grasp, help me to trust "by faith".
Monday, July 12, 2010
How to live
"But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbour, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don't take yourself too seriously— take God seriously." Micah 6:8
My mate, Paul Prince, and I seem to be in the same chapter of Micah at the moment as he has blogged on this very same verse (what's that about great minds thinking alike?!).
Life isn't complicated. How we live our lives isn't meant to be too complicated. Do what is fair and just to your neighbour, be compassionate in your love. It's not always easy to do but it's not complicated to understand either.
Don't take yourself too seriously. Now that is something we could all take on board. Lighten up! We all get very defensive about ourselves and our 'rights'. Learn to laugh at yourself and don't be too proud.
Take God seriously. This is one thing that we don't do enough of these days. He is God! He is perfect. He deserves our praise. He deserves our loyalty.
So, Ian, value justice, be prepared to laugh at yourself and take God seriously.
Thank you God for simple lessons. I need to be reminded of them for they are important to you and are important to my spiritual and mental wellbeing.
My mate, Paul Prince, and I seem to be in the same chapter of Micah at the moment as he has blogged on this very same verse (what's that about great minds thinking alike?!).
Life isn't complicated. How we live our lives isn't meant to be too complicated. Do what is fair and just to your neighbour, be compassionate in your love. It's not always easy to do but it's not complicated to understand either.
Don't take yourself too seriously. Now that is something we could all take on board. Lighten up! We all get very defensive about ourselves and our 'rights'. Learn to laugh at yourself and don't be too proud.
Take God seriously. This is one thing that we don't do enough of these days. He is God! He is perfect. He deserves our praise. He deserves our loyalty.
So, Ian, value justice, be prepared to laugh at yourself and take God seriously.
Thank you God for simple lessons. I need to be reminded of them for they are important to you and are important to my spiritual and mental wellbeing.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Faith in the illogical
"Some of the sailors tried to jump ship. They let down the lifeboat, pretending they were going to set out more anchors from the bow. Paul saw through their guise and told the centurion and his soldiers, "if these sailors don't stay with the ship, we're all going down." So the soldiers cut the lines to the lifeboat and let it drift off." Acts 27:30-32
One of the most important pieces of safety equipment on a ship is the lifeboat. It would seem to be sheer madness to cut a lifeboat adrift. I would imagine some of the soldiers cutting it adrift wouldn't have been able to swim and would have been wondering what they would do if the ship sank.
Faith sometimes asks us to do some difficult and seemingly stupid things. Sometimes God will ask us to do the equivalent of cutting a lifeboat adrift just before we need to evacuate the ship.
It's a credit to Paul that he was able to convince people that their safety was assured even in the midst of a storm with a damaged ship. I wonder whether even he doubted at times. Nevertheless, he trusted and was eventually able to safely bring the other 275 passengers along with him, even if some, such as the sailors with the lifeboat, didn't quite agree with his plan.
What do I need to trust God with today and how can I express that to others in a way that will bring confidence to them?
God, please help me as I go through the areas of life that call for faith in what appears to be illogical.
One of the most important pieces of safety equipment on a ship is the lifeboat. It would seem to be sheer madness to cut a lifeboat adrift. I would imagine some of the soldiers cutting it adrift wouldn't have been able to swim and would have been wondering what they would do if the ship sank.
Faith sometimes asks us to do some difficult and seemingly stupid things. Sometimes God will ask us to do the equivalent of cutting a lifeboat adrift just before we need to evacuate the ship.
It's a credit to Paul that he was able to convince people that their safety was assured even in the midst of a storm with a damaged ship. I wonder whether even he doubted at times. Nevertheless, he trusted and was eventually able to safely bring the other 275 passengers along with him, even if some, such as the sailors with the lifeboat, didn't quite agree with his plan.
What do I need to trust God with today and how can I express that to others in a way that will bring confidence to them?
God, please help me as I go through the areas of life that call for faith in what appears to be illogical.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Leading with respect
"Every high priest selected to represent men and women before God and offer sacrifices for their sins should be able to deal gently with their failings, since he knows what it's like from his own experience." Hebrews 5:1-2
I'm not going to write a commentary on Hebrews because, to be honest, I find this one of the more difficult books to understand at times. But as I read these verses I thought of leaders. Ok, leaders aren't exactly high priests, but some of them think of themselves as being above everyone else which I guess was a problem back then too.
I know many fantastic leaders both current and former who are great Christian role models. But there are also a few who aren't. "The high priest should be able to deal gently with their failings, since he knows what it's like from his own experience". Mmnnn... some leaders think they have never failed. They think that they are the source of all wisdom. Therefore, far from dealing gently with others who have failed, they put on the hobnail boots. Rather than encourage and build up they discourage, accuse and tear down.
Leadership is a tough gig and it's often hard to know the correct decisions to make. But one thing I am sure of is that as soon as someone starts to think of themselves as being better than everyone else they should be kept as far away from leadership as possible.
God, help me to remember that leadership is about serving not a position to assert myself over others.
I'm not going to write a commentary on Hebrews because, to be honest, I find this one of the more difficult books to understand at times. But as I read these verses I thought of leaders. Ok, leaders aren't exactly high priests, but some of them think of themselves as being above everyone else which I guess was a problem back then too.
I know many fantastic leaders both current and former who are great Christian role models. But there are also a few who aren't. "The high priest should be able to deal gently with their failings, since he knows what it's like from his own experience". Mmnnn... some leaders think they have never failed. They think that they are the source of all wisdom. Therefore, far from dealing gently with others who have failed, they put on the hobnail boots. Rather than encourage and build up they discourage, accuse and tear down.
Leadership is a tough gig and it's often hard to know the correct decisions to make. But one thing I am sure of is that as soon as someone starts to think of themselves as being better than everyone else they should be kept as far away from leadership as possible.
God, help me to remember that leadership is about serving not a position to assert myself over others.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
New grounds for believing
"You're about to be given new grounds for believing. Now let's go to him." John 11:15
These were Jesus' words to his disciples before he raised Lazarus from the dead. Even those walking with Jesus day after day were given extra reason to believe-"new grounds for believing."
The Christian life doesn't just bring about a conversion and nothing else. It's not just about being able to prove the death and resurrection of Jesus. Every day brings new grounds for believing. Or, at least it should.
Not every day, and probably never, will we see someone dead for 4 days brought back to life, but we will be given new grounds, ongoing reasons for continuing in the faith we have.
When I wrote this journal, back in 2006, I was reflecting on hearing the testimony of three new Salvation Army Soldiers (members) that bore witness to what God had done and was still doing in their lives. And, it coincided with the visit of Jeff Lucas who reminded us of the miracle of two 'old Salvos' - finally believing, finally getting it. After spending years in the Army the penny finally dropped. New grounds for believing.
Thank you God for the evidence of your presence, for reinforcing my faith and continuing to give new hope.
These were Jesus' words to his disciples before he raised Lazarus from the dead. Even those walking with Jesus day after day were given extra reason to believe-"new grounds for believing."
The Christian life doesn't just bring about a conversion and nothing else. It's not just about being able to prove the death and resurrection of Jesus. Every day brings new grounds for believing. Or, at least it should.
Not every day, and probably never, will we see someone dead for 4 days brought back to life, but we will be given new grounds, ongoing reasons for continuing in the faith we have.
When I wrote this journal, back in 2006, I was reflecting on hearing the testimony of three new Salvation Army Soldiers (members) that bore witness to what God had done and was still doing in their lives. And, it coincided with the visit of Jeff Lucas who reminded us of the miracle of two 'old Salvos' - finally believing, finally getting it. After spending years in the Army the penny finally dropped. New grounds for believing.
Thank you God for the evidence of your presence, for reinforcing my faith and continuing to give new hope.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Unadorned clay pots
"If you only look at us, you might well miss the brightness. We carry the precious Message around in the unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives." 2 Cor 4:7
One of the great frustrations of life is that people too often only seem to see the unadorned clay pots and judge the contents of the pots on their outwood appearance. Our lives are far from perfect and often contradict the life changing message that lies within, and so God is judged by our lives.
What Paul says about himself is also true about our relationships with people who aren't Christians. If they look at us they may well miss the brightness.
In a world where packaging is all important we make decisions about purchasing books, drinks, cans of food, in fact almost everything, by how inviting the packaging is. How often do we miss out on quality content by rejecting it because the outside looks dull.
How do we, how do I, deal with the fact that we are boring pots and people are probably reluctant to look inside because we ourselves are uninviting? Fortunately, God chooses to make contact with people through his Spirit and so it's not entirely up to us. Somehow though we need to encourage people to look inside the pot and find the brightness of God. It's not all about me. I am just a clay pot.
One of the great frustrations of life is that people too often only seem to see the unadorned clay pots and judge the contents of the pots on their outwood appearance. Our lives are far from perfect and often contradict the life changing message that lies within, and so God is judged by our lives.
What Paul says about himself is also true about our relationships with people who aren't Christians. If they look at us they may well miss the brightness.
In a world where packaging is all important we make decisions about purchasing books, drinks, cans of food, in fact almost everything, by how inviting the packaging is. How often do we miss out on quality content by rejecting it because the outside looks dull.
How do we, how do I, deal with the fact that we are boring pots and people are probably reluctant to look inside because we ourselves are uninviting? Fortunately, God chooses to make contact with people through his Spirit and so it's not entirely up to us. Somehow though we need to encourage people to look inside the pot and find the brightness of God. It's not all about me. I am just a clay pot.
Monday, July 5, 2010
On Saturday morning I rose and promptly plonked myself in the lounge chair to watch a replay of the mighty Hawks win from the previous night. It's probably the first time since the 2008 grand final that I have watched the replay of an entire game. As I sat there I realised that some of the umpiring decisions (just some, not all!) that had resulted in me giving some serious verbal advice to the umps on the previous night now seemed to be quite innocuous.
I often get frustrated reading our newspapers, particularly the commentaries and letter pages because people seem to be incapable of balanced thinking. If you formulated your thinking purely from reading The Age then, over the last week you would have come to the conclusion that John Howard has been the most evil person to have ever set foot on earth. Fancy trying to install such as man into cricket's top job. Long live the despotic rulers of Africa & Sth America. Mugabe you are a star. Chavez come down under and show us how it is done!
As for the Herald Sun, well, what can you say. This paper specialises in the lowest common denominator as do shows such as Today Tonight & A Current Affair.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a newspaper that provides solid unbiased facts, allowing us to know the truth rather than the nonsense we have now with selective reporting and culturally biased commentators (and editors...and letter writers from Fitzroy and Brunswick East).
As a person who suffers from turnstile fever I can understand why this happens. But once our main focus ceases to be seeking out truth, and instead about entrenching our positions, we get into awful trouble.
Twisting the truth to make yourselves sound wise isn't wisdom. It's the furthest thing from wisdom—it's animal cunning, devilish conniving. Whenever you're trying to look better than others or get the better of others, things fall apart and everyone ends up at the others' throats.James 3:13
I often get frustrated reading our newspapers, particularly the commentaries and letter pages because people seem to be incapable of balanced thinking. If you formulated your thinking purely from reading The Age then, over the last week you would have come to the conclusion that John Howard has been the most evil person to have ever set foot on earth. Fancy trying to install such as man into cricket's top job. Long live the despotic rulers of Africa & Sth America. Mugabe you are a star. Chavez come down under and show us how it is done!
As for the Herald Sun, well, what can you say. This paper specialises in the lowest common denominator as do shows such as Today Tonight & A Current Affair.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a newspaper that provides solid unbiased facts, allowing us to know the truth rather than the nonsense we have now with selective reporting and culturally biased commentators (and editors...and letter writers from Fitzroy and Brunswick East).
As a person who suffers from turnstile fever I can understand why this happens. But once our main focus ceases to be seeking out truth, and instead about entrenching our positions, we get into awful trouble.
Twisting the truth to make yourselves sound wise isn't wisdom. It's the furthest thing from wisdom—it's animal cunning, devilish conniving. Whenever you're trying to look better than others or get the better of others, things fall apart and everyone ends up at the others' throats.James 3:13
Friday, July 2, 2010
What if....
"Maybe you were made queen for just such a time as this." Esther 4:14
Life is full of 'what if' situations. Esther faced a few 'what ifs'. What if she actually had been made queen for this time? But what is she hadn't? What if she had gone to the king and he hadn't extended his gold sceptre? It would have been bye bye Esther. What if she had chosen just to pray about it instead of actually going to the king?
One of the interesting parts of this story is that the king decided to read the record book because he couldn't sleep. In so doing he read the truth about Mordecai who was about to be unjustly hanged. Was this God's prompting? And would God have prompted the king in this way had Esther not had the courage to step out and see the king?
Hathach was important in this too. He faithfully and accurately carried messages between Mordecai and Esther.
There are lots of 'what ifs' that rely on many people choosing to do the right thing at the right time, understanding that they were made for just such a time as this.
There are purposes that God has for me that rely of me being prepared to take the 'what if' risk and trust God to do the rest.
Life is full of 'what if' situations. Esther faced a few 'what ifs'. What if she actually had been made queen for this time? But what is she hadn't? What if she had gone to the king and he hadn't extended his gold sceptre? It would have been bye bye Esther. What if she had chosen just to pray about it instead of actually going to the king?
One of the interesting parts of this story is that the king decided to read the record book because he couldn't sleep. In so doing he read the truth about Mordecai who was about to be unjustly hanged. Was this God's prompting? And would God have prompted the king in this way had Esther not had the courage to step out and see the king?
Hathach was important in this too. He faithfully and accurately carried messages between Mordecai and Esther.
There are lots of 'what ifs' that rely on many people choosing to do the right thing at the right time, understanding that they were made for just such a time as this.
There are purposes that God has for me that rely of me being prepared to take the 'what if' risk and trust God to do the rest.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Let's play charades
"Quit your worship charades. I can't stand your trivial religious games: monthly conferences, weekly sabbaths, special meetings - meetings, meetings, meetings - I can't stand one more!...." Isaiah 1: 13
These types of verses appear many times over in the Bible. God doesn't like worship; God doesn't like meetings; God doesn't like sacrifices, and so on. Is God so anti everything that we hold as important?
Not really. Everytime we read this sort of stuff it is followed by the reasons why. It's usually a situation where God's people have forgotten about the homeless people, don't care about justice, are more concerned about their own wealth and possessions and so on.
Everything that we do at church is worthless, and in fact angers God, if we are not living the life that God wants us to live. That means getting involved where there is injustice and helping those who are down and out.
These types of verses appear many times over in the Bible. God doesn't like worship; God doesn't like meetings; God doesn't like sacrifices, and so on. Is God so anti everything that we hold as important?
Not really. Everytime we read this sort of stuff it is followed by the reasons why. It's usually a situation where God's people have forgotten about the homeless people, don't care about justice, are more concerned about their own wealth and possessions and so on.
Everything that we do at church is worthless, and in fact angers God, if we are not living the life that God wants us to live. That means getting involved where there is injustice and helping those who are down and out.
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